Thursday, October 26, 2017

3rd grade friendship lesson

3rd grade is discussing what a good friend is.  We read this book together, by the amazing author Julia Cook.  In this book, the brown crayon feels that he is not as good as the other crayons, and that he does not have a lot to offer.  He soon discovers what he needs to do and starts to feel better.  This book discusses many important friendship qualities that are for making and keeping friends.  Each crayon had a different quality.  The kids reflect and discuss what qualities they are good at, and what qualities they need to work on, to be a better friend.

5th Grade Problem Solving

5th grade is discussing problem solving.  We discuss the 4 step process together and talk about the importance of stopping before acting.  We talk about thinking about what the choices could be, and what they are, what they could do and what they should do, and lastly, what their action is going to be.  We then discuss what act means- the physical part of the process- what you actually do.  Review is very important to think about.  I tell the kids to review the whole process a day later- what happened, what their action was, what they could have done, should have done, and what they plan to do next time this problem occurs.  We then go through a few situations and they problem solve together using this model.

2nd Grade Tattling Lesson

2nd graders have been discussing tattling vs. reporting.  This is an important lesson to follow after bullying to make sure the kids know what the difference is, and why reporting is so important.  We read the book above and discuss what happens with the pigs in the story.  We then discuss what the 3 rules are for reporting and when it's appropriate to let an adult know: 1. someone is hurt 2. someone is in danger (includes bullying) 3. property is being damaged.  We role play and discuss different situations to help the kids apply our newly discovered knowledge!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Kindergarten bullying lesson

The Kindergartners have been working with the bug puppets (pictured below) in the curriculum "Stand Up Against Bullies!" They have been working on strategies to help with bullying.  We have talked about ignoring, walking away, avoiding and using an "I message."  An "I message" consists of 3 parts- I feel_____  When you____  I would like _______.  
Ask your kindergartner about the bugs and how they're doing in bug school :)

4th Grade I'm in Charge

4th grade will be talking about safety at home during this lesson.  We will view the I'm in Charge DVD made by the Assistance League of Kansas City.  Included in the DVD are safety things to consider while at home, specifically- at home alone.  The kids get to bring home a book with all of the information in it, from the DVD.  Please review this booklet with your child- it includes very important information, even if your child is not staying home alone, yet.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rude, Mean or Bullying Article

In talking with kids, we sometimes have a hard time determining if a behavior is rude, mean or bullying.  In my experience, people are very quick to determine the behavior is bullying but it may be just rude or mean.  Bullying is a very big deal and has lots of consequences associated with it.   Please see the article I have linked below to help you understand the difference between the 3, and help our kids understand the difference.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Safe Touch Lessons

In the month of October, we will be reviewing our Safe Touch lessons in all grades.  We will be discussing the steps to be safe, which are as follows: 1. Say No   2. Get away  3.  Tell a trusted adult.  We will be discussing what safe touch (one that makes you feel good, like a hug from a family member) is and what bad touch is (one that makes you feel uncomfortable, confused or makes the "uh oh" voice go off in your head).  

These lessons will be presented in a developmentally and non threatening environment.  You have the right to opt out of the lessons, as Parents.

Please contact Ms. Paul if you have any questions!