Tuesday, September 26, 2017

3rd Grade Bullying Strategies


The 3rd graders are talking about how to deal effectively with bullying.  They are taught strategies and also how to report when there is a concern.  We read the book Simons Hook and talked about when bullies try to "hook" you- what will your reaction be?  Will you bite the hook, or choose a strategy to stop the bullying and then report the concern?  Ask your 3rd grader about what strategies they learned.

Friday, September 22, 2017

1st/2nd Grade Split Bullying Lesson

The students in our 1st/2nd grade split learned about bullying with the book The Juice Box Bully. They talked about what bullying is and what to do about it.  They shared with a neighbor what they would do if they were in the story and Pete was bullying them.  Ask your student about Pete, and why he was a bully in the story.

2nd Grade Bullying Strategies

The 2nd graders were reminded of what bullying is.  They discussed strategies of how to handle bullying in this lesson.  They came up with the following strategies- walk away, ignore, say "please stop," and most importantly- report to an adult.  We discussed how to report to an adult, and why it is so important.  Ask your 2nd grader about Marlene!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

5th grade bullying strategies


5th grade is working on strategies of how to deal effectively and appropriately with bullying.  I have given them the acronym HA HA SO, with each letter being a strategy. 

H- help
A- assert yourself
H- humor
A- avoid
S- self talk (positive)
O- own it

These are all strategies to defuse the situation and get away as quickly as possible.  I have informed them all the importance of reporting these incidences so the adults can help when needed.  They have several ways they can report.  Ask your 5th grader if they remember the strategies :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Kindergarten bullying lesson!

In Kindergarten, we are discussing what bullying is, and what we can do about it.  The kids are introduced to several bug puppets.  They "pretend" to go to bug school.  The grasshopper puppet is the teacher of bug school.  Ask your kindergartner who is the bully at bug school and what he is doing to be a bully.  The ant and bee are the other kids in bug school.  We have so much fun!

1st Grade Bullying Lesson

Ask your 1st grader about the Band Aid Chicken.  The Band Aid Chicken is a puppet and a book we read about bullying.  The Band Aid Chicken was being bullied in the chicken yard.  He worked up enough courage to stand up to the other chickens and make the bullying stop.  Ask your 1st grader why the Band Aid Chicken needed to have band aids all over his head.

Anger management resource!

Hey everyone!

This article is a great resource for how to manage anger in children.  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

2nd Grade Bullying Lesson

2nd Graders are working on the definition of bullying, strategies to handle bullying and what to do if you see bullying.  We are talking about the types of bullying, and the different roles in a bullying situation.  Ask your 2nd grader about the book we read called Bully Beans by Julia Cook.  Ask your child about the bully in the story, and how the other students handled her behavior.  Ask them about the beans the kids in the book ate, and how they helped the characters.  It's a great book!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

3rd grade bullying lesson

Our 3rd grade is working through the book The Bully Blockers Club.  They are learning what bullying is and what to do about it- if you are a bystander or a victim.  Ask your 3rd grader what Lotty went through (Lotty is a character in the book), and how she made her situation better.

4th grade bullying

The 4th grade is working through the book Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig.  We are discussing what bullying is using the acronym RIP and how it is different from teasing.  Bullying is repeated, intentional and power seeking.  We discussed how teasing can turn into bullying and how careful we need to be with our words, as they could turn into verbal and emotional bullying.

Friday, September 8, 2017

5th grade bullying lesson

During a 5th grade lesson today, we discussed the book Say Something by Peggy Moss.  We talked about what bullying is, and what to do about it.  The book is about the importance of doing something, when you see something happen.  It's about saying something instead of watching it and waiting for someone else to do something about it.
I left them with the quote "if you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room."- Anita Roddick
NO ONE is too small or unable to have a positive impact.  It only takes 1 person!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

7 ways to help kids manage intense feelings

Here's a great resource for managing intense feelings.  This article discusses ways to help a child through feelings in an effective way!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Welcome to the first blog post of the 2017-2018 school year!  I am so excited to be here and to be doing what I have the privilege to do, everyday!  I enjoy working with the kiddos, parents and staff at Linden West.  You will find resources on my blog, pictures and information about my classes as we go through the year.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!  816.321.5879  Ashley.paul@nkcschools.org